Whether you are requesting a payment or making a payment, linking a bank account or card to Forwardly is easy.
Adding a bank account
Here are some easy steps to add a new bank account:
- On the sidebar, click Business Settings.
- Go to the Banking Details tab.
- Under Payment Methods, select Bank Accounts.
- Select which account you would like to add.
- Follow the instructions on Plaid to successfully add a bank account.
Warning: Don't see your bank on the list? We can also only connect with banks that use Plaid Auth and support Plaid's Identity, Balance, and Transactions services. If you're unsure if your bank supports Plaid Auth, please reach out and we will check. |
Tip: Make sure to select the correct primary account you'd like to use for sending and receiving payments. |
Adding a card
Here are some easy steps to add a new card to your account:
- On the sidebar, click Business Settings.
- Go to the Banking Details tab.
- Under Payment Methods, select Cards.
- Find the card you would like to add and click Enter Card Details.
- Add in the payment details and billing address.
- Click Add this Card.
What if I have a bank account or card that isn't visible on Forwardly?
If you're having trouble linking your bank account or card accounts to Forwardly and your accounting software is connected, it may be because you haven't set up the bank or credit card accounts in your accounting software's Chart of Accounts (COA). Here’s how you can resolve the issue and fix missing connections:
- Open the accounting software that you're using for the business.
- In the Chart of Accounts section, create a new account for the bank or credit card you want to link.
Tip: Not sure how to add a new account? Here's how-to in QuickBooks Online, and here's how-to in Xero.
- After adding the accounts to the accounting software, go to the business and sync the accounting connection in Forwardly.
- Go to Business Settings. Under Payment Methods, select Bank Accounts or Cards.
- Link your bank accounts or cards to the new accounts now available in the chart of accounts.